Aligning What You Have with Who You Are

The Hatlestad Group is a wealth management firm located in Edina, MN, with a bird’s-eye view of the Twin Cities. We help community-minded, values-driven people use their wealth and experience to reinvent the second half of life to achieve purpose and fulfillment. We help do this through a process that aligns what they have with who they are.

The concierge service model that differentiates The Hatlestad Group from other planning firms is centered on giving you, our client, the individual attention and tailored solutions that align with what matters to you most.

Tell Us About Yourself


Late-Career Executives

We help you discover the best use of your resources for the life you imagine.

Business Owner

Head-of-Household Women

You seek a financial partner who can help you avoid missteps and live life to the fullest.



We help prepare your finances for your retirement and align your money decisions with your values.

Our Process

We designed our process to understand where you are and where you want to be in the future. Our goal is to build financial planning strategies aimed at helping you achieve the vision you have for your family and your life. You can count on meeting regularly so we can track progress and update your plan and portfolio as necessary. We will work closely to ensure you feel empowered and confident that you are progressing along the right path every step of the way.

All meetings can be in person or virtually, according to your preference.

Phase 1 - Financial Planning


In this complimentary call, we discuss what prompted you to reach out—your concerns and goals. We share how our firm may be able to help and mutually decide whether we should move forward.


We meet in person or remotely to gather details of your financial situation and reflect on your goals in order to gain financial clarity. This helps us prioritize your goals and create a timeline of recommendations.


We go through a discovery process to explore your desires, uncover your mission and values, then prepare the unique statements that define your vision for the future.



Through careful consideration, we’ll perform a financial check-in (a diagnostic) together, review planning gaps, and define the components for your path to success. At this point, we focus on answering any questions and moving forward together in partnership.

Phase 2 - Ongoing Support


You’ll receive full support as we implement and provide ongoing management of your investment portfolio to help ensure it remains targeted for living out your next chapter with the vision, wisdom, and resources to create a purposeful and meaningful future. We monitor for potential opportunities such as tax-loss harvesting and rebalancing.


Our commitment to helping you meet your goals is ongoing. We understand that your life and financial situations can change, and we are here to help you adjust accordingly. We offer regular updates, reviews, and reports to ensure that your plan is up to date and meets your needs. We want you to leave our reviews confident that your plan is being attentively and effectively managed.

Our Services

We designed our financial planning and investment management services to be flexible and delivered, as needed, throughout your life. Our services include:

Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Investment Management

Investment Management

Financial Independence Planning

Financial Independence Planning

Tax Planning

Tax Planning

Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning

Risk Management

Risk Management

Executive Compensation Planning

Executive Compensation Planning

Estate and Legacy Planning

Estate and Legacy Planning

Investment Services & Philosophy

We care about your future. Our work together starts with candid, honest, and empathetic conversations that empower confident decisions.

You can depend on The Hatlestad Group to design and implement investment strategies driven by your vision with an aim to create the life you want.

Our approach recognizes that effective planning encompasses all aspects of life, not just finances. We guide you through each phase and transition with the understanding that there are no shortcuts to protecting your family’s interests. Our clients are positioned to embrace perseverance, navigate the detours along the path to success, and build toward a secure retirement with confidence.

Understanding Your Vision of Success

Our process prioritizes discovering who you are, where you are, and where you want to be. We begin by listening closely and continuously strive to understand your specific needs, wants, challenges, and goals. Forthright conversations about your financial life provide clarity for advancing your vision and achieving your aspirations.

Strategies Empowered by Experience

We partner with exceptional resources for investment management. Our clients have access to highly-qualified specialists to handle all aspects of their financial lives.


At The Hatlestad Group, we adhere to an investment strategy grounded in research. We ignore media and Wall Street noise and instead rely on a disciplined, long-term approach to achieving your goals. Your investment portfolio will be built according to the following principles:

  • Investment portfolios and financial plans should align. Your investment recommendations are based on your entire financial picture and are designed to help achieve the goals stated in your financial plan. 

  • Markets are efficient and work over time. At any moment, equities have been priced to reflect all available information in the market. Thus, strategies to “beat the market” do not work.

  • Returns are best achieved in the long term. Because market timing does not work, we focus on strategies designed to meet your objectives over time.

  • A multi-strategy approach optimizes returns. We offer broadly passive portfolios, supplementing with active and alternative strategies to capitalize on market opportunities.

  • Fear and greed will hurt performance. Selling when markets drop (fear) or buying when markets are high (greed) are emotionally driven decisions that lead to underperforming the broader markets.

  • Successful investing is disciplined. A clearly defined investment strategy can help guide you through market ups and downs without resorting to emotionally based reactions.

  • Tax-efficient investing helps increase long-term returns. We provide proactive tax planning, such as asset location and tax-loss harvesting, with the goal of reducing your taxes and maximizing returns.

  • Periodic rebalancing keeps portfolios on track. We rebalance your portfolio to return it to your ideal asset allocation and to take advantage of “buy low, sell high” opportunities. 

  • Portfolio costs should be appropriate. We strive to execute trades efficiently and select low-cost investments so that your overall expenses are reduced.



We select technology that provides a clear view of your wealth. You gain greater simplicity and convenience while spending your time and energy on living life.

Your secure online portal provides online account aggregation so you can see all your financial accounts in real time and in one place.

The graphic-rich technology also allows you to track progress on financial goals, review your budget and cash flow, check on your investment portfolio, and securely upload and store documents.

Get Started

We invite you to get in touch with us for a complimentary 15-minute introductory call. We will discuss your concerns and goals and how we may be able to help.